Membership of Euro-Toques Ireland is open to chefs and professional cooks working on the island of Ireland as well as to artisan food producers. Professional chefs under the age of 26 may join free of charge.
All members, partners and associates are selected in accordance with the ideals and objectives of Euro-Toques and must be approved by the Board of Commissioners. Members must meet the organisation’s criteria and adhere to the Euro-toques commitment on food sourcing.
Euro-Toques Ireland comprises more than 150 top chefs and restaurants in Ireland and is a member of a pan-European organisation of more than 3,500 top chefs.
Producers can apply here to join

Membership Structure
Chef member: €150 + VAT
Use online application form here: select Full Chef Member Category. (Note: This is the only category of membership that allows you to become a full member with full privileges).
Chef lecturer: €150 + VAT
Use online application form here: select Chef Lecturer member category.
Retired Chef Member: €125 + VAT
Professional young chefs under the age of 28: Membership is free.
Small Producers: Free of charge – Apply Here
Companies or individuals who are directly involved with food production, farming, harvesting, fishing or similar and wish to have a more direct connection with chefs are also welcome to join Euro-Toques.
Please note that small producers and young chefs are considered as Associate members rather than Full members. Only Full members may attend the AGM.