What is Euro-Toques?
The aim of Euro-Toques Ireland is to preserve Irish culinary heritage by supporting traditional cooking methods and promoting producers of local and seasonal artisan products. The member chefs and cooks are part of a nurturing community of like-minded professionals who pride themselves on being the custodians of Irish food culture.
Euro-Toques members work to a high set of principles as set out in the Euro-Toques Code of Honour. This means striving for excellent culinary standards as chefs and always working with quality local produce which is in season (as far as is practicable). Euro-Toques members operate with integrity in everything from sourcing to serving.
Euro-Toques International
Euro-Toques Ireland is a constituent member of Euro-Toques International, a European community representing more than 3,500 professional chefs and cooks with national branches in 16 European countries.
The Europe-wide organisation was established in 1986 by chef Pierre Romeyer from Belgium, Myrtle Allen from Ireland, Gualtiero Marchesi from Italy, Juan-Mari Arzak from Spain, Paul Bocuse from France and Cas Spijker from the Netherlands.
Each founding chef established a Euro-Toques branch in their own country, selecting exceptional chefs to support them in their task of preserving and promoting traditional culinary methods, excellent regional food producers and standards of culinary excellence.
Today Euro-Toques Ireland continues to promote a culture of sustainable, high-value culinary practice throughout our industry, with a strong focus on skill, quality and creativity.
Euro-Toques Ireland
Euro-toques Ireland was established in 1986 by Myrtle Allen. She was assisted in setting up the Irish branch by her fellow founding commissioners John Howard of Le Coq Hardi in Dublin, Declan Ryan of Arbutus Lodge in Cork and Gerry Galvin of Drimcong House in Galway. Today the membership is made up of almost 200 chefs.
Euro-toques Ireland is a non-profit organisation, financed by membership subscriptions and sponsorship from a number of selected companies and related bodies.

“Preserving our culinary heritage – Inspiring the future”
Our Values
- Food provenance
- Best Quality produce
- Best principles of cooking
- Integrity
- Professional
- Ethical
- Community
Euro-toques Ireland achieves its goals through partnerships with like-minded organisations which share our values and objectives. We also support our members in their efforts to create and sustain a valuable food culture by promoting their unique culinary styles and innovation.
We aim to ensure that the next generation is as passionate about Irish food as those that have gone before through the Young Chef of the Year Competition and activities aimed at nurturing young talent for the future.
We support quality Irish food producers by promoting them on our menus, at our events and through our annual Food Awards.
We protect the fine quality and flavours of food.
We support the traditional dishes and traditional ways of processing, preserving, preparing and cooking food of the regions of Ireland and Europe.
We facilitate a rapport between chefs and producers.